Translingual Approaches to Teaching Writing as Antiracist Pedagogy
Date & Time
Thursday, April 15, 2021, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Andrew Heerah Marina Palenyy Melissa Watson

As three teachers working to challenge systemic racism in adopting a translingual approach, we have experienced in our classrooms various degrees of success and failure. In addition to facing a barrage of constraints, including institutional expectations of and policies about student writing, we continue to struggle to chip away at racialized attitudes that are held about language much less adequately dismantle the racist practices and systems in which we participate. In this panel, we examine the affordances, challenges, and limitations of working to challenge dominant attitudes about language held by students. While the classroom is the only or even ideal space to combat racism, we believe we, as teachers of writing, can and should work to combat raciolinguistic ideologies in the classroom and beyond. This panel provides three different pedgogical accounts showcasing strategies for antiracist translingual pedagogy.

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