Thursday, April 15 Workshop Sessions

University Partnerships - A Sustainable Model for Increasing STEM Faculty Diversity

Track: Academic Disciplines

In a four-person panel of CUNY faculty, we aim to describe a framework for university partnerships to build a sustainable infrastructure for effective minority faculty recruitment and retention in the STEM and social science fields. Our ideas are largely informed by our many years of cumulative experience in both local and national programs geared toward addressing the severe under-representation of minorities at all levels from undergraduate students to the professoriate.

Steve Greenbaum
Hunter College
Distinguished Professor, Physics

Martin Ruck
Graduate Center

Gail Smith
Brooklyn College

Sophia Suarez
Brooklyn College

"Then We Realized Our Power" - The Past, Present and Futures of Ethnic Studies at CUNY, part 1, Roots & Legacies 

Track: CUNY Legacy

Rooted in the intertwined movements of racial justice, anti-imperialism and liberated education in the 1960s and 70s, the formation of ethnic studies changed how race, inequality and the very history of the United States is taught. The first of two round tables, this is a conversation among representatives from Ethnic Studies institutions at CUNY that were established in the 70s and 80s. These include The Center for Ethnic Studies at BMCC, The Department of Puerto Rican and Latino Studies at Brooklyn College, The Department of Africana and Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College and the Asian/American Center at Queens College. This session also has a representative from the History Department at Bronx Community College and a presentation from a member of the CUNY Digital Archive who will share artefacts from the early history of Ethnic Studies at CUNY. Each CUNY Ethnic Studies institution has a rich history and continues to engage new sites of racialization and inequality, and new theoretical frames.

Judith Anderson
Borough of Manhattan CC
Assc Professor

Eleanor Drabo
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Former Director of the Center for Ethnic Studies at BMCC. Professor in Africana Studies, Emerita.

Linda Luu
CUNY Graduate Center
Doctoral Candidate, Sociology

Patricia Mathews
Borough of Manhattan CC

Raquel A. Otheguy
Bronx CC
Assc Professor

Maria E. Perez y Gonzalez
Brooklyn College

The Power of Anti-Racist Children - A Workshop on the Use of Inclusive Philosophy in Childhood Education

Track: Curriculum & Pedagogy

Between ages 2-5, children internalize racial bias and display attitudes similar to adults. By age 12, many children become set in their beliefs. Caring and invested educators and parents unintentionally perpetuate anti-Black racism by promoting a color-blind approach stemming from their discomfort navigating conversations on race. Not talking about race reinforces racism in young children; talking about it encourages the development of positive attitudes and skills needed to advocate for racial justice. Since LaGuardia's Philosophy for Children Initiative is committed to introducing philosophy and critical thinking to young people, we took it as our responsibility to center issues of anti-Black racism, equity and inclusion as part of our daily work. Our workshop seeks to equip CUNY parents and educators with what we've learned to help them discuss race with children in a way that builds the foundation for an inclusive, anti-racist, and intergenerationally respectful community of philosophical inquiry.

Cheri Carr
LaGuardia CC

David Ortiz
LaGuardia Community College
Student, Peer Advisor

Faculty Diversity By the Numbers: Constructs and Limitations

Track: DEI Topics

Nearly all universities struggle with measuring success with faculty diversity. Generally accepted constructs can provide consistency but may appear difficult to interpret, and findings can appear to conflict with our lived experience. This presentation provides an overview with common methods of measuring diversity, some of which were established by government and have been in use for some time. We will focus on the underlying assumptions, utility and limitations of these methods. Alternative and/or emerging methods will be presented and participants will have time to discuss alternatives that could apply to faculty recruiting, retentions, and advancement.

Anne Chamberlain
Central Office
Univ Wrkfc Pln & Talnt Acq Dir

Making CUNY An Incubator for Health Equity - Lessons from the COVID 19 Pandemic

Track: Pandemic Outcomes

Healthy CUNY(HC), a University-wide initiative, promotes the health of CUNY students to support their life success. Healthy CUNY investigators have studied and acted to reduce health problems that block student achievement. In this session, Nicholas Freudenberg, Distinguished Professor of Public and faculty director of HC, and Erinn Bacchus, a public health PhD student with HC, reflect on their studies of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, mental health problems and food insecurity on the well-being of CUNY students. They present data from the HC COVID survey, discuss the creation of Guide to Surviving and Thriving at CUNY, designed to help students overcome problems imposed by the pandemic, and suggest how CUNY can create policies and cultures that shrink the deep racial/ethnic and economic health and social gaps that characterize CUNY students. Their vision of a CUNY that incubates health and social equity in NYC seeks to spark a dialogue across CUNY.

Erinn Bacchus
CUNY School of Public Health
Doctoral Candidate, Public Health

Nicholas Freudenberg
CUNY GradSch ofPub H and H Pol
Distinguished Professor

A Model for Transforming Minority Doctoral Students in Academia - A CUNY Model to Increase Diversity of Faculty across the University

Track: Pipeline, Workforce

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES 2018) reports that only 6% percent of the nation’s professoriate are Hispanic/Latinos. This Hispanic Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (H-AGEP) program was created to increase the number Hispanic faculty trained with innovative teaching skills, and to advance knowledge about models to improve pathways to the professoriate and success of historically underrepresented minority (URM) graduate students, particularly Hispanics, in STEM disciplines. The panelists will discuss the new model components, program accomplishments, and lessons learned.

Fenot Aklog
Teachers College
Evaluator, H-AGEP

Joseph Barba
City College

Jorge E. Gonzalez-cruz
City College

Yasser Hassebo
LaGuardia CC

Yajaira Mejia
City College of New York
Director, H-AGEP

Fereidun Moshary
City College

Dugwon Seo
Queensborough CC
Assc Professor

Fighting Racism within Academic Antiracist Spaces

Track: Systems & Structures

The past several years have seen the burgeoning of a large anti-racism training industry. However, there is growing concern among BIPOC in the academy that much of this training reproduces white supremacist values. This is specifically evident as we look at the privileging of white academics within antiracist work such as in the case of Robin DiAngelo. And additionally evident as we look at the long line of white and POC administrators tasked with organizing antiracist work in academic spaces that have not explored their own positionality as it pertains to race, institutional hierarchy and systemic racism and thus reinforce white dominant culture.  How do we go about the important work of operationalizing antiracist values in a way that avoids this dynamic? Members of the CUNY Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Incubator will take the audience through collective naming process of signs of white supremacy within DEI and antiracist processes, and share tools to help uphold antiracist values and culture borrowed from the Racial Equity and Liberation Group, and the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond.

Norka Blackman-Richards
Queens College
Director, SEEK

Aysa Gray
Queens College
Co-Director, CUNY DEI Incubator

Kristy Clementina Perez
Baruch College
Acad SEEK Program Dir

Selena T. Rodgers
York College
Chief Administrator, Social Work

Kerri-Ann M. Smith
Queensborough CC
Assc Professor

Students' Experience in a CUNY Dual-Language English-Spanish Social Work Program Component

Track: Academic Disciplines

Bilingual English-Spanish social workers are needed to work with Latinx clients with limited or no English-language proficiency. A small number of academic social work programs around the country have specialized tracks to train social workers to work with Spanish-speaking clients. This presentation will describe qualitative focus group themes regarding the experiences of 25 Latinx-identified students who participated in a new two-semester English-Spanish dual-language component in the final year of Lehman College’s Master of Social Work (MSW) program. Themes include how the interactive nature of the class increased students’ effectiveness and confidence working with Spanish-speaking clients in the field, and how the class empowered students and served as a support system for them. The presentation of the findings of the study will serve as a background for an interactive discussion with attendees regarding the feasibility and advisability of dual-language programs for different professions throughout CUNY such as healthcare, law, and business.

Manuel Munoz
Lehman College

Nicole Saint-Louis
Lehman College
Assc Professor

Evan Senreich
Lehman College

From Aspirational to Operational - Transforming the Structure to Rebuild for the Future

Track: CUNY Legacy

During the pandemic and in the midst of racial unrest in the United States, Queensborough Community College gained a new president, who spent her first 100 days assessing the gaps in equity, diversity, and inclusivity at the college. This panel will share findings of the 100-day self-study addressing performance, policies, and practices that affect student outcomes and faculty/staff retention. This panel will showcase the process, plans, and procedures QCC has enacted to create a meaningful shift in its structure and practices and to highlight and share plans for the future. Additionally, the panel will share base decisions that influenced the changes, ideas for organizing the leadership to make room for such changes, and the way they plan to support and enhance the work of the divisions of the college through best practices in diversity, equity, and inclusivity

Timothy. G. Lynch
Queensborough Community College

Christine Mangino
Queensborough CC

Amaris S Matos
Queensborough CC
AVP Div and Inc

Kerri-Ann M. Smith
Queensborough CC
Assc Professor

Moving from an Anti-Racist to a Pro-Black Classroom

Track: Curriculum & Pedagogy

The idea of implementing anti-racist practice has gained traction in the academy, spurred by work from scholars, such as Ibram X. Kendi (2019) and April Baker-Bell (2020a, 2020b). Yet, as the protests of this summer have shown, anti-racism may be necessary but insufficient in addressing the deeply entrenched anti-Blackness in U.S. society (Sharpe, 2016; Wilderson, 2003; Harney and Moten, 2013; Hartman, 1997; Spillers, 1987; Wynter, 1994). Consequently, in this session, the professor and seven student members of a Graduate Center course on Black girlhoods discuss the means, rationale, challenges, and opportunities of shifting focus from anti-racist to pro-Black educational practice. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in small group breakout sessions to more deeply explore specific topics related to transforming the classroom into a pro-Black learning space.

Jordan Bell
CUNY Graduate Center
Doctoral Candidate, Urban Education

Kiana Carrington
CUNY Graduate Center
Graduate Student, Data Analysis & Visualization

Sherry Deckman
Lehman College
Assc Professor

Sydoni Ellwood
CUNY Graduate Center
Graduate Student, Urban Education

Tarilyn Little
CUNY Graduate Center
Graduate Student, Childhood & Youth Studies

Kristen Miller
CUNY Graduate Center
Doctoral Candidate, Sociology

Siettah Parks
Teachers College
Doctoral Student, Sociology

Lucy Robins
CUNY Graduate Center
Doctoral Student, Urban Education

Holding Space for the Asian Experience in the Age fo COVID-19 Anti-Asian Hate

Track: DEI Topics

This panel will discuss the accounts of three Asian women faculty members teaching in the age of COVID-19 and the concomitant escalation of anti-Asian prejudice. Each panelist will explain how their racial identity categories—Asian and female—inform their pedagogical methodologies, their research, and their relationships with their students. The panel will address the urgency of decentering whiteness in the college classroom, and to hold space for the Asian experience in America, particularly in a time fraught with anti-Asian sentiment in the national rhetoric.

Kathleen Tamayo Alves
Queensborough CC
Assc Professor

Charissa Che
Queensborough CC
Asst Professor

Madiha Shameem
Queensborough CC

Stronger Together - Black CUNY faculty, staff, and students surviving dual pandemics

Track: Pandemic Outcomes

The COVID-19 pandemic has had global devastating effects. Black, Indigenous, and people of color have been disproportionately affected while simultaneously navigating a pandemic composed of racism, violence, and injustice. It is imperative to explore and identify the experiences and needs of Black students for their overall wellbeing, educational success, and career trajectory. Research posits that Black students are more likely to feel comfortable around, connect with and disclose to Black faculty and staff. However, for these faculty and staff, this uniquely supportive role may come with negative consequences such as vicarious trauma, burnout, and emotional fatigue. This panel will explore the experiences and needs of Black CUNY students, faculty, and staff. Panelists will provide insight into the intricacies of supporting Black students and the resources that benefit them. Panel members’ experiences and expertise span domains and departments including education, mental health, academic support, and career support from two CUNY colleges.

Gary L. Dillon
Baruch College
Student Psych Counselor-HEA

Marcus Aaron Johnson
Baruch College
Assistant Professor

Allyson Regis
Queens College (former)
Adjunct Professor, Mental Health Counseling

Erica N. Richardson
Baruch College
Asst Professor

Adia Tucker
Baruch College
Assistant Director, Starr Career Development Center

Access to Justice - Creating a Pipeline from Community College to Social Justice Lawyering; Training Racial Minority Students at Hunter College for the Cancer Research Workforce

Track: Pipeline, Workforce

Abstract not available

Piyali Basak
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Adjunct Assistant Professor; Supervising Attorney, Brooklyn Defender Services

Olorunseun O. Ogunwobi
Hunter College

Systems, Structures, and the Possibilities for an Abolitionist CUNY

Track: Systems & Structures

The George Floyd and Breonna Taylor uprising this summer reminded us that any serious discussion of how to create an anti-racist academy must prioritize demilitarization and the removal of police, ICE and other institutions of organized violence from campus. In this session, we will consider the possibilities and limitations of university-led diversity and inclusion projects through an abolitionist framework, comparing and contrasting reformist and non-reformist reforms. The session will feature a panel of CUNY student, staff, and faculty organizers from Rank and File Action, Free CUNY, and CUNY for Abolition and Safety. Panelists will reflect on the contradictions and duality of the public university, considering it as a site where the logics, mechanisms and power of the carceral state and racial capitalism more broadly are reproduced but also, considering the long history and ongoing examples of anti-racist and decolonial struggle, a place of fierce resistance. The format of the workshop will encourage participation and interaction with attendees, fostering the development of connections and analysis across the CUNY system.

Sofya Aptekar
Sch. of Labor & Urban Studies
Assc Professor

Corinna Mullin
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Political Science

CUNY Archivists as Facilitators of Liberatory Memory Work

Track: Academic Disciplines

History is not set in stone and archives are not objective repositories of records. Understanding the interpretive role of archives in producing historical narratives will unveil the emerging importance of college archives in co-creating a more equitably informed future. This panel will feature speakers who will discuss how we can accurately and comprehensively document CUNY’s legacy of social activism and upward mobility. Annie Tummino and Obden Mondésir will discuss the civil rights archives and SEEK History Project at Queens College, and Cynthia Tobar will discuss Raising Ourselves Up, an effort to document the stories of first-generation college students at BCC. In developing these initiatives, the panelists centered participatory and collaborative approaches to archival documentation, working in partnership with students, faculty, staff, and alumni to create rich new collections which highlight the experiences of low-income, immigrant, Jewish, and BIPOC students. Overall, the panelists will discuss the role of archivists as facilitators of liberatory memory work in CUNY.

Obden Mondésir
Queens College
Outreach Archivist, Adjunct Lecturer

Cynthia Tobar
Bronx CC
Assc Professor-Librarian

Annie Tummino
Queens College
Assistant Professor; Head of Special Collections and Archives

No Neutral Academy - How Student Activism Led to Black @ Hostos

Track: CUNY Legacy

The murder of George Floyd made a searing and indelible impression on the entire world. In the wake of an international demand for more just systems, during 2020, students at Hostos Community College challenged the institution to take a stand in support and defense of Black Lives. Student leaders voiced their hopes, fears, and demands of the College to ensure that Hostos is an affirming institution for its Black students. Students demanded to be seen, acknowledged, and affirmed. In response, President Daisy Cocco De Filippis spearheaded a working group to address the concerns. From the students’ righteous cries, Black @ Hostos was birthed. During this interactive workshop, presenters will share the intentionality behind and sustainability of programming, and the cultivation of a shared understanding of struggles, past and present, as well as the triumphant spirit of a people who continually call for America to live up to its highest ideals.

Kristopher Bryan Burrell
Hostos CC
Assc Professor

Diana Kreymer
Hostos CC
Exec Chief of Staff-AstAdm

Kathy K. Taylor
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Professor, Legal Studies

Identifying and Eliminating Discrimination Based on Accent or Dialect from the Classroom

Track: Curriculum & Pedagogy

In this workshop, we will examine linguistic discrimination in the classroom. Conscious or unconscious biases against speakers of “nonstandard” varieties of English are often reflected in our teaching practices, to the detriment of students. Do your syllabus or grading rubrics reference use of “standard English” or “appropriate grammar”? Have you ever deducted points of an assignment due to the presence of linguistic structures that are considered acceptable in a non-standard dialect? If so, what are the consequences for your students? Are there any alternatives? In this workshop, participants will learn about linguistic discrimination and identify ways to move away from approaches that unfairly penalize speakers of “nonstandard” varieties of English without sacrificing academic rigor. Instead, we recommend an asset-based approach which recognizes the value of all language varieties.

Eric Conte
Kingsborough Community College
Lecturer, Education

Carlos F. de Cuba
Kingsborough CC
Assc Professor

Ivana Espinet
Kingsborough Community College

Anna Maria La Franceschina
Kingsborough Community College
Undergraduate Student, Speech Pathology

Jason M. Leggett
Kingsborough CC
Assc Professor

Alexandria Mancini
Brooklyn Prep High School
Special Ed Teacher

Poppy Slocum
LaGuardia CC
Assc Professor

Laura Spinu
Kingsborough Community College
Assistant Professor, Communications & Performing Arts

Land Acknowledgements and Shared Authority: Towards Centering Indigenous Knowledge in the Campus Community

Track: DEI Topics

This presentation addresses recent activities at Queens College and Queensborough Community College (QCC) which are focused on faculty, student and community engagement around understanding and acknowledging Indigenious survivance. The presenters take the living Land Acknowledgements and engagement with shared authority as it has been practiced in collaboration with the Kupferberg Holocaust Center at QCC as two starting points towards allyship relationships and a centering of Indigenous Knowledge at CUNY. Through this presentation we hope to connect and co-ordinate with other colleagues working on decolonial projects within the CUNY community by sharing information, ideas and resources.

Katherine Griefen
Queensborough CC

James Lowry
Queens College
Assc Professor

Danyelle Means 
Institute of American Indian Arts
Director of Institutional Advancement

The Mental Health of College Students - Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Track: Pandemic Outcomes

The unique challenges faced by college students as it relates to mental health throughout this pandemic, have shined a spotlight on the lack of a comprehensive infrastructure for supporting students. These vulnerabilities are amplified by the fact that the academic pressures of college can cause its own set of issues. The pandemic has created an environment that leads to elevated rates of suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression. The stigma of a positive COVID status may exacerbate risk for harm experienced by students with mental health issues. The systemic flaws highlighted by the pandemic can be addressed from a standpoint that sees the merit in implementing comprehensive reforms. Raising awareness about the realities of mental illness among college students is crucial. Offering presentations for students and reimagining all that is possible, will position students for success, and make administrations more capable of helping their students.

Dr J. A. Alves
Medgar Evers College
Assistant Professor

Tonia Grant
Medgar Evers College
Assistant Professor, Nursing

Mabel Korie
Medgar Evers College
Assistant Professor

Diversity and Inclusion for Lasting Change: A New Paradigm for Business Education from Instruction to Faculty Hiring

Track: Pipeline, Workforce

The Zicklin School of Business has identified three initiatives aligned with our diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. The first is a partnership with the PhD Project to facilitate the development of a pipeline of diverse full-time faculty. The second, the BMCC-Baruch College Business Academy, creates appropriate processes and support structures to facilitate a seamless transition pathway for students in the business administration program at BMCC to complete a BBA degree at the Zicklin school. Finally, to attract more underrepresented students to Zicklin’s graduate programs, the Zicklin School would like to partner with select HBCUs to enroll students in its MS Accountancy and Finance degree programs as well as the full-time MBA program.  Diverse student recruitment is a step in the right direction. However, considerable research has revealed that there is a gap in the ability of business faculty to teach concepts that fully address racial inequities in the classroom. This dilemma begs the question: Are business faculty complicit in  mythologizing business concepts by ignoring historical precedence, due to a practice of white supremacy? Cutting-edge research suggests that business curricula must be demythologized using a symptomal reading practice. This will allow business faculty to dismantle white supremacy in their pedagogy and classroom management by scrutinizing the history of discrimination and racism in American business.

Paquita Davis-friday
Baruch College

Kannan Mohan
Baruch College
Assc Dn Acad Programs

Mahatapa Palit
Borough of Manhattan CC
Assc Professor

Linda Ridley
Hostos CC
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Towards a Sociological Approach on an Anti-Racist Academy - Six Principles to Foster Diversity

Track: Systems & Structures

The Power of An Antiracist Academy: Reimagining Systems & Structures, considering the current political and intellectual climate, is a very provocative and challenging topic that can be objectively discussed by intellectuals deeply committed to the creation of a better world, beyond void rhetoric. I wonder, how are power relations currently articulated within CUNY? Who dominates who? In the relations ‘agents’ vs ‘structures,’ who are those responsible for the maintenance and reproduction of systems that have prevented systemic changes within our public institution? As it is articulated, is CUNY’s institutional dynamic compatible with heterogeneity, ‘diversalité’ and ‘pluriversality’ of its actors? This proposal attempts to answer those questions while offering an interpretive approach helpful to advance towards the decoloniality of power and knowledge, as well as the demolition of discourses and practices anchored in soft segregation, and systemic and institutional racism.

Jean Saint Paul
Brooklyn College

Translingual Approaches to Teaching Writing as Antiracist Pedagogy 

Track: Academic Disciplines

As three teachers working to challenge systemic racism in adopting a translingual approach, we have experienced in our classrooms various degrees of success and failure. In addition to facing a barrage of constraints, including institutional expectations of and policies about student writing, we continue to struggle to chip away at racialized attitudes that are held about language much less adequately dismantle the racist practices and systems in which we participate. In this panel, we examine the affordances, challenges, and limitations of working to challenge dominant attitudes about language held by students. While the classroom is the only or even ideal space to combat racism, we believe we, as teachers of writing, can and should work to combat raciolinguistic ideologies in the classroom and beyond. This panel provides three different pedgogical accounts showcasing strategies for antiracist translingual pedagogy.

Andrew Heerah
York College
Adjunct Lecturer, English

Marina Palenyy
New Visions Charter High School for Humanities
High School Teacher, English

Melissa Watson
City College
Assc Professor

WOC Organizing and Collectives - Lehman Envison ARC's Transformative Practices through Solidarity and Sisterhood

Track: CUNY Legacy

In her essay, Audre Lorde “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action,” Audre Lorde asks, “What are the words you do not have? What do you need to say? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence? …. Because I am myself -- a Black woman warrior poet doing my work -- come to ask you, are you doing yours?” This panel features the work of four women of color, all junior faculty and organizing members of Lehman Envision ARC -- a coalition of faculty and students working toward an anti-racist university attuned to the community of scholars it serves in the Bronx. Each presentation demonstrates the importance behind women of color organizing together: they create the solidarity and support necessary to thrive and survive not otherwise offered by the university. LEA serves as a platform to envision a college campus that demands equity for its students, faculty, and staff, free of hierarchical divides and injustices. It represents the grassroots formation of a university community unto ourselves, providing resources in lack, including: mentorship, interdisciplinary promotion of one another’s research, collaborative grant writing, curriculum design, and Union and OMBUDS representation for and by us. The members of this collective offer one another support and energy that the university & college, due to systems of structural racism, have failed to provide.

Evelyn Duran Urrea
Lehman College
Asst Professor

Olivia Moy
Lehman College
Assc Professor

Sarah Ohmer
Lehman College
Assc Professor

Mary Phillips
Lehman College
Assc Professor

Oppression 101 - A Framework for Dismantling Racism & Sexism

Track: Curriculum & Pedagogy

Immigrant students from diverse countries, and experiences can be shocked at the racism and sexism they encounter in curricula, and in their lives in New York City, especially if they have not learned about these issues in their first country. Therefore, a framework that provides information and perspective built on student’s personal experiences helps them prepare for their academic texts, critical analysis, and writing. Furthermore, with increased confidence, students are more likely to contribute to dismantling racism and sexism in their personal lives and their communities. Join former CUNY Language Immersion Program (CLIP) students, and their instructor, Caryn T. Davis, in this interactive workshop which they have presented at ESOL conferences and graduate classes in New York City.

Caryn T. Davis
New York City College of Technology
CLIP Instructor

Razan Ikhmais
New York City College of Technology
Student, CLIP

Eman Jamma
New York City College of Technology
Student, CLIP

Tania Rahman
New York City College of Technology
Student, CLIP

Mohammad Rishidi
New York City College of Technology
Student, CLIP

Carolina Rodriguez
New York City College of Technology
Student, CLIP

Tools for Empowering Trans and Gender Non-conforming Students in CUNY's Classrooms

Track: DEI Topics

Transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) students deserve safe learning environments. In this workshop, participants will explore personal and societal biases that may negatively affect the learning experiences of their TGNC students. Working with other faculty and staff, participants will co-create tools they can bring back to their classrooms and campuses to include and empower TGNC students. This presentation is a result of a collaborative project beginning when Raz Edwards was a student in Dr. Spring Cooper’s class. Participants will receive informational media materials developed through this classroom experience.

Spring Cooper
CUNY School of Public Health
Associate Professor

Raz Edwards
CUNY School of Public Health
Recent Graduate, Public Health

Supporting CUNY Students of Color Who Experience Food Insecurity and Socioeconomic Microagressions

Track: Pandemic Outcomes

We will present preliminary findings on the association of socioeconomic discrimination and depression among young people of color in NYC. People of color and those living in poverty are especially vulnerable to discrimination and microaggressions, particularly when multiple identities intersect with one another. Data were collected from 317 CUNY Freshman (average age 18 years old, majority reported household incomes below $50,000 per family unit, 98% of the participants were students of color) from CUNY campuses in Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan. Socioeconomic microaggressions were associated with depression, somatic complaints, and difficulty concentrating. Participants who were food insecure reported more experiences of socioeconomic microaggressions, depression, and difficulty concentrating. We will present findings and lead an open discussion about potential implications surrounding SES microaggressions for CUNY students, including but not limited to social mobility, needs for support, and the intersectionality of discrimination for CUNY students of color who are also food insecure.

Aurora Cayetano
Lehman College
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Social Work

Jazmin Guerrero
Lehman College
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Social Work

Grace Miele
Lehman College
Graduate Research Assistant, Social Work

Amanda G Sisselman-Borgia
Lehman College
Assc Professor

Ilyana Sori
Lehman College
Graduate Research Assistant, Social Work

The Illusion of Inclusion: Scholars Navigating the Intersectionality of Recruitment, Tenure & Promotion

Track: Pipeline, Workforce

National statistics are clear—historically, the academy has long been made up of mostly white men and women. Approximately six percent of full-time faculty at flagship universities is currently Black or Latino; the numbers specific to Black and Latino male faculty are even more abysmal and represent less than three percent. Members of underrepresented groups (including faculty of color) are desperately needed in higher education not just to increase representation, but also to act as role models for the next generation of students and professionals. Panelists will examine faculty recruitment and retention through a gendered and intersectional lens that considers the intertwining role of race, gender and immigrant status in shaping academic careers. The challenges experienced by racial and ethnic minorities in seeking tenure and promotion will also be discussed, including the most common fears and myths that are often institutionally reproduced. The critical role of mentoring and peer support will also be addressed toward truthfully cultivating diversity and inclusiveness in academia.

Jermaine L. Monk
Lehman College
Assistant Professor, Social Work

Miguel Angel Rodriguez
CUNY Graduate Center
Doctoral Student, Social Work

Anahi Viladrich
Queens College

Belonging and Nonbelonging - Stakeholder Perceptions of an Inclusive Higher Ed Model at CUNY

Track: Systems & Structures

CUNY Unlimited, an inclusive model for students with intellectual disabilities (ID), opens educational and career opportunities for citizens typically denied access to college. “Belonging” is thought to be particularly important to the success of student communities that have historically under-participated in higher education (Hurtado & Carter, 1997; Strayhorn, 2012). Yet, little is known about perceptions of belonging by this student group. Understanding belonging by students with ID, and other stakeholders, allows faculty, program designers, and administrators to grow best practices, programs, processes and systems that support inclusion in higher education. Quantitative and qualitative data collected over five years was analyzed using student affairs, inclusion and adult learning frameworks. Findings identified artifacts of belonging, as described by these various groups, that are used in the construction of belonging, whereas language highlights symbols of belonging and systems that emphasize nonbelonging. Recommendations for how to resolve systemic barriers to inclusion will be discussed.

Christopher J. Rosa
CUNY - Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Inclusion Initiatives

Carrie L. Shockley
Central Office
Univ Asst Dn Student Affairs